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What? |
I'm so glad you just hand people shiny objects to play with so they can completely tune out of your discussion of real issues. Or do you actually discuss real issues anymore? I don't watch your interviews, so I'm not sure. And that's pretty pathetic. Because most people don't watch your interviews. And yes, it's partially the lamestream media's fault for choosing to talk about certain things, but it's also a lot not their fault because that's like blaming a dog for chasing after a ball. They're stupid and that's what they do. So don't give them a fucking ball. At least you didn't talk about Bristol and coin some new catchphrase: "people are going to criticize you anyway, so you might as well get jaw surgery and then take before-and-after photos for a magazine and give them an interview about it so people won't critic - oh, wait." or "people are going to criticize you anyway, so you might as well uproot your child (again), take him to a strange city (again), and move your single mother ass into a house/TV studio alone with two strange men and a ton of strange camera men (who you know nothing about), because the title of your next book is going to be "Not Afraid of Life: 100 Sure-Fire Ways To Turn Your Son Into A Drug Addled Malignant Narcissist."
And just let me reiterate-
Who fucking cares about some asshole named Common?
So your being outspoken about a guy being invited to the White House because he wrote songs about cop killing & Bush killing? That's a funny thing to take such a strong and prominent stand on, considering a few months ago you were defending (not to mention whatever the fuck this was) Dr. Fucking Laura's use of the word nigger on the radio because free speech y'all. It's also a funny thing to take a stand on were you hypothetically considering running against Obama when people still get away with calling you racist for bringing up Jeremiah Wright's racism. And yeah baw, I know, people should care about that stuff, but they don't, and you can either whine about that or you can accept it and be pragmatic about it. Seems like it might make more sense to talk about stuff you have experience dealing with, like, oh, say, the price of a barrel of oil, and how to make it go down. Since, you know, people are paying $4.00 for a gallon of gas. Seems like they might care more about that and your expertise in that area than a fucking First Lady poetry party party party or some bullshit that nobody would've even known about had you not brought it up to argue about it. And so like, what would have happened if you got your way? If Moobama is all like, "she's right, I'm going to disinvite this guy, thanks Sarah Palin"? What then? You won? Good job? You think that's going to inspire people to support you for President of the United States? Do ya? Really?
And if the above is too blab blab blabbely for you let me break it down
- Asshole gets invited to the White House to bore everyone with his poems.
- Conservative web sites cover it because we live in the age of 24/7 news, and they're always desperate for content.
- Nobody cares because they can't pay their mortgage, make their car payments, or fill their gas tanks.
- Sarah decides that the stupid filler is most deserving of her time.
- I carve sad faces on the inside of my thighs with a nail file.