Malia Litman Is A Stupid Cunt

Gray scaling pictures and turning your head doesn't make you attractive, Skag
So this failed author wrote a failtastic blog post titled "Sarah Palin Worries About A Loss of Turmoil" and rambles incoherency about what a dum-dum Sarah Palin is for saying that countries would be worse off if they had no turmoil. The only problem with this is that Sarah Palin never said that.

Welcome to your glass house, Litman

What she actually said was-
"Obama is ignoring history and he's engaging in inconsistency. It's making us all -- not all of us but many of us distrust what it is that we are doing there in Libya and making us wonder what is the end game, but where do we go next with all the other countries that are certainly suffering from a lot of turmoil? The inconsistency tonight articulated by our president just made things worse."

-Someone better than Malia Litman

I'm a srs journalist now.

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