Gay Teen Suicide

It will get better.
So if you're a regular reader you know the gay mafia is always on the brink of taking my gay card! I'm not a part of the gay community, have no gay friends, I have had gay men tell me I'm "less than" because I like sports and cars and not shopping and theater, so yeah. Not a big fan of gay people. I'm not a self hater, I'm out, loud and proud and don't deny who I am, to anyone. So based on that you rarely see gay rights posts by me or actually, other than hot guys, anything gay related.

Well there is one thing that touches me amongst gay people, gay teen suicide. I had it easy coming out so I don't get it. I don't get how you could end your life, because people don't like you. It really touches me, especially the Matthew Shepard story, man, that gets me so angry. Well of course, I didn't know there were 4 highly publicized gay suicides last month, I knew of one but I guess there were a few more. Probably more than that, that didn't make the news, so I dunno I just felt I had to blog about it. I think most of my readers are straight women, lol! So cool with that, but if I perchance have any gay young readers and you are thinking of suicide, I fucking dare you to email me and tell me how you feel. Yeah I said it, I dare you, because you are not alone and suicide ends nothing but the happiness you will eventually feel for being who you are! You are not the weak one, you are not the weird one, you are not the one who "doesn't fit", you are who you are supposed to be. It's all of those people who are ignorant and haters who have the issues, you know who you are, do you really think YOU have the issues? lolz you don't. Think about it, you are the one who has their shit together. Take that to heart. I'm gonna leave you with a video by a dude who is pretty cool, he's a talented artist (he's hot) he makes sense in this YouTube vid and listen to him, he's talking the truth. It does get better! And whether you do the whole gay lifestyle and do gay pride and gay bars and gay friends, or, just prefer to be out, loud and proud and play sports and work on your 66 mustang, either are okay and accepted. Gay doesn't have to be what you see on TV, I don't fit into that and I think I've been doing fine, for a long time! Enjoy Angelo's video he's a cool dude and he has a great singing voice, do a search on Twitter! ;)

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