Fantastic Future Friday: Regenerating Organs

A lot of reptiles have the amazing ability to lose a limb and just grow it back. So what to a human would be a life altering disaster is just a mild inconvenience. I’m sure anyone who lost an arm or a leg would like to have the ability to just grow it back.

Researchers in California have come up with the first step in that process. Removing a barrier to regrowing organs.

Basically by removing two cancer-preventing genes they can restart the muscle growing properties of muscle cells. Obviously these genes can only be turned off for a short time or else the cells start becoming cancerous, but in that short time they might be able to repair muscle damage to the heart, or many other places in the body that muscle damage impairs.

As research in this field progresses we might find more ways to regrow different types of tissues and eventually regrow entire organs and limbs.

What today is a lifetime disability like losing an arm, will mean a few weeks in the hospital and your good as new. This will lead to a Fantastic Future.

By Darrell B. Nelson author of Invasive Thoughts

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