Welcome... Again

I have posted something like this a couple times before... but I need to do it again. I have had a very large increase in traffic today, thanks to a few good folks on the Internet linking to me. I've seen a ton of traffic come in from Mudflats, as well as Jack Bog, Reddit.com, Cajun Boy, The Token Hippie, and Daily Kos. (Wait! Hold it! Those WIENERS at Daily Kos pulled the story. - More on this later, I promise!) For all of you new readers, welcome! Whether you're here because you're just curious, because you think I'm right, you think I'm crazy, or you accidentally clicked the wrong link, it doesn't matter. All are welcome. We hope you'll stay and read for a while.

Comments on this blog are moderated. I do this to keep out the spammers, the people who have posted huge long comments in an attempt to crash the blog, and those who are simply abusive. I do NOT reject comments that disagree with my position, even when, at times, those disagreements are pretty obnoxious and/or contain egregious grammatical or spelling errors (as so many seem to.) As long as you're not obscene and on topic, your comment will be approved.

Virtually every link that is coming in today, is coming to the blog. I am encountering a problem that I have in the past, which is that new people do not realize that there is a large and well-documented website associated with this blog. In fact, the site was the first venture; the blog was an afterthought. As has happened before, when I see a lot of new visitors, I am swamped with email pointing out things that "I didn't see on your blog." Here's a hint: it's probably on the website.

I am always grateful and interested in new info, and I like to respond to every email. However, when I get fifty plus emails in one day pointing out information to me that is already on the website, it gets a bit challenging.

So, here's the link to the website. There's a lot here, and I am going to add more... a few things that were put on the blog over the last month or so that have never been added to the site.

This issue is important. It goes far far beyond who physically gave birth to Trig Palin last spring. And I'll not drop it until I have some concrete answers.

Again, thanks for visiting.
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