However, several people - much more knowledgeable than I have sent us new material. As before, the exact instructions for duplicating these results will be given. (Do note that last night's adjustments could be made by anyone who had any sort of photo editing software at all, including many free packages. One of the adjustments shown tonight may be available only to people who have more advanced software, like full versions of Photoshop.)
I will also say that I feel the question about whether adjusting the brightness/contrast/luminosity of photos is "altering" them somehow has been adequately addressed. The comments on last night's post address this issue repeatedly. If anyone still has questions, I would direct them to the thorough and excellent discussion of the question posted by Amy at 1:18 a.m in the comments. I like her analogy very much... it's alot like adjusting the treble or bass on an audio recording. You're not "adding" anything to the music that's already on the CD, that would be impossible. You're just changing what you can hear. I think the question has been adequately addressed here and we will not be approving any more comments that suggest that somehow adjusting the brightness of this photo is exactly the same as adding Joe Blow into a photo with his fishing buddies so we can prove he wasn't home murdering his wife. The contention is ludicrous.
First, this version from R.
To do this yourself in Photoshop: (Don't know about other programs.)
Add Layer
New Adjustment Layer
Change the mode to Luminosity.
On the popup histogram, move the center arrow to the left = 1.++, 1.10 or more
This will enable you to see details without messing with the colors or creating artifacts.
Thanks, R.!
Then this one from B.
There’s a tool in Photoshop called shadow/highlight. Open a photo and go to image—adjustments—shadow/Thanks, B. I think this version is excellent!highlight. It allows you to open up shadow areas and/or bring detail back into highlights. I use it quite often, but usually subtly. In this case, you want to really open up the shadows. 50% is the default, but you can play with it further.
I think shadow/highlight is only available in the full version of Photoshop. Photoshop Elements, which for most people does more than enough, may not have this tool active.
I don't want to beat this horse to death, but I do think this photo is something that can no longer be ignored. This was a photo published in Gov. Palin's home town newspaper! To say that ADN was asleep at the switch on this one is putting it politely. I find it extremely difficult to believe that the techs at the paper, who are assuredly far more experienced at Photoshop than I could ever be, did not do exactly these same adjustments. Last March. And they said nothing.
Over the past few days, numerous people have commented about anomalies they have noticed in the actual physical pdf that was released by the McCain campaign of Cathy Baldwin-Johnson's medical "statement." Although I had commented on some of the oddities of this statement in the past - and intended to return to it in a future post - my points were always dealing with the content of the letter. There are now several posters who have noticed things awry in the actual physical production of the pdf, something I never even considered. Unfortunately, their information is spread out in comments over several days over several posts, and I am having trouble collating it all. Since I have never even considered this question, I am depending on the information that those of you who have looked at the statement have put together.
Could anyone who has looked at this please put together all of your questions/concerns/observations together in email - not comments please - and send it to me at I will look at every email carefully and do a post on this issue soon.
G'night all!