As I have delved into the shaping of Gov. Palin, I have been continually taken aback at how much talk there really was regarding her as a potential VP, going back to the beginning of her term as Alaska's governor.
There's this article from the New Yorker which details her efforts dating to 2007. It's a good place to start and I strongly recommend you read it all.
There's an interview from February 2008 in Washington DC (I believe this was with a local TV station) in which she's asked specifically about the nomination. (Unfortunately I can't find the link for this right now. I know I had it in email, but I apparently never added it to the site. If anyone can find this, please send it to me.) Then there's another from Los Angeles, only a week or so later, in which the topic comes up again. We know that the topic came up at the infamous Republican Governor's Energy Conference in Texas where she was when her labor supposedly began, and she did not rule out accepting the nomination.
And then there's this odd little comment. It's almost a throw-away. I missed it the first few times I read the article, because I was focusing on exactly what was said about Bristol's whereabouts, and when. It's from the article in the Alaska Magazine, which was published in the February 2008 edition, but written, as nearly as I can put it, around December 15th, 2007.
“She can be on the phone with Dick Cheney and have (Republican Senate President) Lyda Green right outside her door, and her kids call and she goes, ‘Oops, hold on,’” said Leighow, the deputy press secretary. “Her kids trump everyone, and I think that’s pretty neat.”
The sentence is here in the context of what a great mom she is... and that's how I read it the first few times I saw it. But... hold on. Dick Cheney? THE Dick Cheney? Vice President of the United States Dick Cheney? The Dark Lord himself?
Why is Dick Cheney calling Sarah Palin before December of 2007?
Am I crazy? Or is this really really odd? And more than a bit troubling?